
stop this train

so i just got back to socal from a lovely long weekend in the Bay... i am exhausted and still a bit sick, but mostly guilty that it's been 6 days since i've posted on this thing. in my defense, i've been busy and sick, sometimes just one or the other but mostly both. anyways, here's my weekend in a photographic nutshell!

labor day 006

labor day 003

labor day 005

labor day 002

labor day 001

labor day 000

seeing old friends and classmates -- beat the clock -- BART prices going up -- pho at Oakland koreatown -- hitting up the Berkeley Big Four (bars) in two nights (yep that’s really all there is) -- 21st birthdays -- brunch at Sunshine Café -- game day tailgating -- beating Maryland’s ass 52-13 -- chocolate dipped churros and other little tapas at Cesars -- Tahoe sun -- more California fires -- airborne, fever, aspirin -- not fishing =( -- driving through Labor Day traffic -- grooving to John and India -- quoting Doug from Up


  1. love the last shot. really reminds me of summer. :)
    and food looks SO GOOD

  2. Love how all the pics are kinda random but depict the same relaxed nostalgic mood at the same time


  3. looks like a good weekend to me!!


  4. I take it you're a John Mayer fan? The title of this post kind of gives it away :)
