Few randoms from the past couple months & 'I miss summer' post
got a best buy gift card this weekend from a holiday white elephant gift exchange. which i guess could be my kick in the ass to go by a memory card and start taking photos again.
not gonna lie though, the past 3 months sans camera has been pretty liberating, not only for my sense of responsibility to document everything, but also for a bit for self-esteem too I suspect. a lot less going back and analyzing every outfit/ pose/ hairstyle/ omgdoesmyeyelinerlookthatbadwhenimwasted?!?!
but seeing how none of my friends are good at this (you always need one in the group amiright?) and i DO want to be able to look back on my life when i'm old and have amnesia and remember how much funner and prettier i was in my vapid 20's, i should get back on it.
...this ain't a promise though. next blog post may be in another 3 months, who knows.